The company «Meshkodel» designs and produces the equipment for making Kraft paper sacks. We produce paper sacks of all kinds, types and sizes with the flexographic printing application of any complexity (from graphic art to full-colored). The equipment of our company is different for its durability, user-friendly operation and service, low electric energy demand. The equipment warranty is up to three years. The flexibility of production and new technological solutions search allow us to modify the produced equipment just in time. Design group consists of five experienced implementers headed by the honored inventor of Russia Naslednikov L.A.

Our specialists will help to build up the industrial complex on the basis of our customer’s individual needs; will give you comprehensive recommendations on the optimal organization of production. You can choose the list of single order equipment and find out the price by yourself in advance, and you can also get the details for organization of production.

You can have a look at our equipment for making paper sacks in practice directly in our paper sacks plant or on the premises of the plants which were provided by the supply of our industrial complexes.

Our equipment is installed and operates in a lot of Russian towns and cities and also in such countries as Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kirghizia, Georgia and Armenia.


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  • Монтажные работы
  • монтажные работы
  • Монтажные работы
  • Монтажные работы
  • Монтажные работы

Selling our production lines we share our 20-year experience of making paper sacks. It allows our customers to defect into the paper wrapper market very fast avoiding numerous mistakes and waste in providing their process of work. 

Staff training, equipment checkout and service are available at the premises of the company «Meshkodel” in the city of Vladimir (in our virtual paper sacks plant). Staff training lasts from three to five week days and a rule of thumb states that it’s very effective. Equipment installation, check out and start up are held by the specialists of our plant.

The equipment warranty is eighteen months.

We support our production equipment buyers in feedstock acquisition and accreditation of the output. The contents of delivery are accompanied with a package of documents for making Kraft paper sacks and special glue formulas.

Options arrangements and prices


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  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы
  • Сборочные работы

If you need our equipment and output advice, if we can help you to calculate the economic viability and the time of outlay recovery, if you want to get more information about the organization of your own paper sacks production – please, contact us and we’ll help you!